Image of senior man on his cell phone
Image of the front of the Triad Retina office building


1313 Carolina Street, Suite 103 Greensboro, NC 27401 336-272-2625 336-272-2617


The information, including opinions and recommendations, contained on this

web site is for general educational purposes only. Such information is not

intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or

treatment. No one should act upon any information on this web site without

first seeking medical advice from a qualified medical physician with whom they

have a confidential doctor/patient relationship. Read our full disclaimer here.

Image of senior man on his cell phone
Image of the front of the Triad Retina office building


The information, including opinions and

recommendations, contained on this web

site is for general educational purposes

only. Such information is not intended to

be a substitute for professional medical

advice, diagnosis, or treatment. No one

should act upon any information on this

web site without first seeking medical

advice from a qualified medical physician

with whom they have a confidential

doctor/patient relationship.

Read our full disclaimer here.

1313 Carolina Street, Suite 103 Greensboro, NC 27401 336.272.2625 Currently taking appointments